Nicola Di Daniele

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Nicola Di Daniele

Nato a Tortoreto (TE) il 14/07/1952 e residente a Roma in via Isidoro del Lungo, 42 Tel Studio: 06 20902982

06 20902123




Stato Civile                            Coniugato



Professore Ordinario di Medicina Interna presso il Dipartimento di Medicina dei Sistemi dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergata.


Direttore del Dipartimento assistenziale di Scienze Mediche, Policlinico Universitario di Roma Tor Vergata.


Direttore della U.O.C. di Medicina Interna-Centro Ipertensione e UOSD di Nefrologia, del Policlinico Universitario di Roma Tor Vergata.


Direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Geriatria.


Consigliere di Amministrazione della Fondazione Policlinico Tor Vergata di Roma.





Titolare dell’insegnamento di Semeiotica Clinica (MED/09) nel corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata


Titolare dell’Insegnamento di Medicina Interna (MED/09) nel Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Scienza della Nutrizione Umana, Università di Roma Tor Vergata.


Titolare dell’insegnamento di Scienze e Tecniche Dietetiche Applicate nel corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università Cattolica di “Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio” di Tirana, Albania


Docente di Medicina Interna (MED/09) nelle Scuole di Specializzazione di:


Geriatria, Scienza dell’Alimentazione, Nefrologia, Medicina dello Sport, Endocrinologia, Pneumologia, Reumatologia.





In Ambito Metabolico-Nutrizionale:

·         Valutazione del ruolo dell’alimentazione a basso contenuto calorico e dell’esercizio fisico nella riduzione del rischio cardiovascolare in pazienti affetti da patologie cronico- degenerative non trasmissibili.

·         Studio del ruolo di varianti alleliche di geni iperespressi in condizioni infiammatorie

quali fattori predisponenti e/o possibili marcatori dell’insulino-resistenza.

·         Valutazione del ruolo della Grelina, ormone anoressizzante deficitario negli obesi con sindrome metabolica, nella disfunzione endoteliale.

·         Effetti della dietoterapia sullo stato di salute dei pazienti nefropatici.

In Ambito Clinico:

·         In collaborazione con la U.O.C. di Anatomia Patologica del PTV, sono in corso studi morfologici sull’innervazione del SNS renale in soggetti con Ipertensione Arteriosa ed Insufficienza Renale Cronica.

·         In collaborazione con l’equipe di Radiologia Interventistica, utilizzo della tecnica di denervazione renale per via percutanea nel trattamento dell’ipertensione resistente in pazienti con normofunzione renale e nell’ emodializzato.

Studi su:

·         L’efficacia del rituximab nella terapia della glomerulonefrite membranosa come possibile complicanza del trapianto allogenico del midollo.

·         La correlazione tra la distribuzione l’insorgenza di Ipertensione Arteriosa e l’alterazione della composizione corporea.

·         Il ruolo dell’ASA e delle Statine nella riduzione dello stato infiammatorio cronico nei pazienti emodializzati.

·         Possibile ruolo terapeutico della reoferesi nella disfunzione endoteliale microvascolare cronica.


Finanziamenti PRIN, MIUR

Responsabile Scientifico dell'Unità di ricerca o Partecipante allo studio:



·         “Advisory board” Progetto Europeo Picaso Horizon 2020.

·         “Indicatori genetici di resistenza insulinica nell’iperlipidemia familiare combinata”.

·         “Modulazione dell'attività di TIMP-3 e del sistema TACE/MMP: una nuova terapia combinata per diabete e aterosclerosi”.

·         “Effetti dell'insulina sull'espressione genica in cellule endoteliali e muscolari lisce: ruolo delle varianti WT-IRS1 e Arg972-IRS-1”.

·         “Meccanismi molecolari di regolazione della sopravvivenza della beta cellula pancreatica: studio dell'espressione e funzione di geni indotti a seguito di stimoli apoptogeni metabolici, immunologici e genetici”.

·         “Meccanismi molecolari del danno β-cellulare da glucotossicità: nuovi target per la manipolazione genica”.

·         “Ruolo del polimorfismo Gly --> Arg al codone 972 di IRS-1 nella sopravvivenza delle cellule vascolari muscolari lisce umane”.

·         “Caratterizzazione dei meccanismi di trasduzione del segnale del PACAP e dei suoi recettori a livello delle β-cellule pancreatiche: ruolo nella regolazione della secrezione insulinica, dell'espressione genica e della proliferazione cellulare”.




Ha partecipato come relatore e moderatore a numerosi congressi nazionali ed internazionali.

E’ coautore di oltre 200 articoli scientifici pubblicati su riviste internazionali ed atti congressuali.




1.      Pentimalli F, Grelli S, Di Daniele N, Melino G, Amelio I. Cell death pathologies: targeting death pathways and the immune system for cancer therapy. Genes Immun. 2018 Dec 19. doi: 10.1038/s41435-018-0052-x.


2.      Lopriore P, Capitanio N, Panatta E, Di Daniele N, Gambacurta A, Melino G, Amelio I. TAp73 regulates ATP7A: possible implications for ageing-related diseases. Aging (Albany NY). 2018 Dec 8;10(12):3745-3760. doi: 10.18632/aging.101669.


3.      Smirnov A, Cappello A, Lena AM, Anemona L, Mauriello A, Di Daniele N, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Melino G, Candi E. ZNF185 is a p53 target gene following DNA damage. Aging (Albany NY). 2018 Nov 16;10(11):3308-3326. doi: 10.18632/aging.101639.


4.      Multicenter study on parathyroidectomy (PTX) in Italy: preliminary results. Mazzaferro S, Tartaglione L, Cascone C, Di Daniele N, Pani A, Morosetti M, Francisco M, Nordio M, Leonardi M, Martello M, Grimaldi C, Cozzolino M, Rotondi S, Pasquali M; Italian Study Group on Mineral Metabolism. J Nephrol. 2018 Oct;31(5):767-773. doi: 10.1007/s40620- 018-0527-x.


5.      An operational definition of SHATS (Systemic Hemodynamic Atherosclerotic Syndrome): Role of arterial stiffness and blood pressure variability in elderly hypertensive subjects. Scuteri A, Rovella V, Alunni Fegatelli D, Tesauro M, Gabriele M, Di Daniele N. Int J Cardiol. 2018 Jul 15;263:132-137. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2018.03.117.


6.      Pleiotropic effects of hypoglycemic agents: implications in asthma and COPD. Rogliani P, Ora J, Di Daniele N, Lauro D. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2018 Jun;40:34-38. doi: 10.1016/j.coph.2018.01.002.



7.      Effects of fenoldopam on renal blood flow in hypertensive chronic kidney disease. Rovella V, Ferrannini M, Tesauro M, Marrone G, Busca A, Sorge R, Manca di Villahermosa S, Casasco M, Di Daniele N, Noce A. J Nephrol. 2018 May 15. doi: 10.1007/s40620-018- 0496-0.


8.      MOSH Syndrome (Male Obesity Secondary Hypogonadism): Clinical Assessment and Possible Therapeutic Approaches. De Lorenzo A, Noce A, Moriconi E, Rampello T, Marrone G, Di Daniele N, Rovella V. Nutrients. 2018 Apr 12;10(4). pii: E474. doi: 10.3390/nu10040474.


9.      p73 Regulates Primary Cortical Neuron Metabolism: a Global Metabolic Profile. Agostini M, Niklison-Chirou MV, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli MM, Grelli S, Di Daniele N, Pestlikis I, Knight RA, Melino G, Rufini A. Mol Neurobiol. 2018 Apr;55(4):3237-3250. doi: 10.1007/s12035-017-0517-3.


10.  The role of obesity in carotid plaque instability: interaction with age, gender, and cardiovascular risk factors. Rovella V, Anemona L, Cardellini M, Scimeca M, Saggini A, Santeusanio G, Bonanno E, Montanaro M, Legramante IM, Ippoliti A, Di Daniele N,


Federici    M,    Mauriello    A.    Cardiovasc    Diabetol.    2018    Mar    29;17(1):46.    doi: 10.1186/s12933-018-0685-0.


11.  Metabolic profiling of visceral adipose tissue from obese subjects with or without metabolic syndrome. Candi E, Tesauro M, Cardillo C, Lena AM, Schinzari F, Rodia G, Sica G, Gentileschi P, Rovella V, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Di Daniele N, Melino G. Biochem J. 2018 Mar 15;475(5):1019-1035. doi: 10.1042/BCJ20170604.

12.  Can Serum Cystatin C predict long-term survival in cardiac surgery patients? Rovella V, Marrone G, Dessì M, Ferrannini M, Toschi N, Pellegrino A, Casasco M, Di Daniele N, Noce A Aging (Albany NY). 2018 Mar 27;10(3):425-433. doi: 10.18632/aging.101403.


13.  Erythrocyte glutathione transferase in kidney transplantation: a probe for kidney detoxification efficiency. Bocedi A, Noce A, Rovella V, Marrone G, Cattani G, Iappelli M, De Paolis P, Iaria G, Sforza D, Gallù M, Tisone G, Di Daniele N, Ricci G. Cell Death Dis. 2018 Feb 19;9(3):288. doi: 10.1038/s41419-018-0289-3.



14.  Metabolic profiling of visceral adipose tissue from obese subjects with or without metabolic syndrome. Candi E, Tesauro M, Cardillo C, Lena AM, Schinzari F, Rodia G, Sica G, Gentileschi P, Rovella V, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Di Daniele N, Melino G. Biochem J. 2018 Feb 8. pii: BCJ20170604. doi: 10.1042/BCJ20170604.


15.  Pleiotropic effects of hypoglycemic agents: implications in asthma and COPD. Rogliani P, Ora J, Di Daniele N, Lauro D. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2018 Feb 7;40:34-38. doi: 10.1016/j.coph.2018.01.002.


16.  Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018. Galluzzi L, Vitale I, Aaronson SA, Abrams JM, Adam D, Agostinis P, Alnemri ES, Altucci L, Amelio I, Andrews DW, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Antonov AV, Arama E, Baehrecke EH, Barlev NA, Bazan NG, Bernassola F, Bertrand MJM, Bianchi K, Blagosklonny MV, Blomgren K, Borner C, Boya P, Brenner C, Campanella M, Candi E, Carmona-Gutierrez D, Cecconi F, Chan FK, Chandel NS, Cheng EH, Chipuk JE, Cidlowski JA, Ciechanover A, Cohen GM, Conrad M, Cubillos-Ruiz JR, Czabotar PE, D'Angiolella V, Dawson TM, Dawson VL, De Laurenzi V, De Maria R, Debatin KM, DeBerardinis RJ, Deshmukh M, Di Daniele N, Di Virgilio F, Dixit VM, Dixon SJ, Duckett CS, Dynlacht BD, El-Deiry WS, Elrod JW, Fimia GM, Fulda S, García-Sáez AJ, Garg AD, Garrido C, Gavathiotis E, Golstein P, Gottlieb E, Green DR, Greene LA, Gronemeyer H, Gross A, Hajnoczky G, Hardwick JM, Harris IS, Hengartner MO, Hetz C, Ichijo H, Jäättelä M, Joseph B, Jost PJ, Juin PP, Kaiser WJ, Karin M, Kaufmann T, Kepp O, Kimchi A, Kitsis RN, Klionsky DJ, Knight RA, Kumar S, Lee SW, Lemasters JJ, Levine B, Linkermann A, Lipton SA, Lockshin RA, López-Otín C, Lowe SW, Luedde T, Lugli E, MacFarlane M, Madeo F, Malewicz M, Malorni W, Manic G, Marine JC, Martin SJ, Martinou JC, Medema JP, Mehlen P, Meier P, Melino S, Miao EA, Molkentin JD, Moll UM, Muñoz-Pinedo C, Nagata S, Nuñez G, Oberst A, Oren M, Overholtzer M, Pagano M, Panaretakis T, Pasparakis M, Penninger JM, Pereira DM, Pervaiz S, Peter ME, Piacentini M, Pinton P, Prehn JHM, Puthalakath H, Rabinovich GA, Rehm M, Rizzuto R, Rodrigues CMP, Rubinsztein DC, Rudel T, Ryan KM, Sayan E, Scorrano L, Shao F, Shi Y, Silke J, Simon HU, Sistigu A, Stockwell BR, Strasser A, Szabadkai G, Tait SWG, Tang D, Tavernarakis N, Thorburn A, Tsujimoto Y, Turk B, Vanden Berghe T, Vandenabeele P, Vander Heiden MG, Villunger A, Virgin HW, Vousden KH, Vucic D, Wagner EF, Walczak H, Wallach D, Wang Y, Wells JA, Wood W, Yuan J, Zakeri Z, Zhivotovsky B,


Zitvogel L, Melino G, Kroemer G. Cell Death Differ. 2018 Jan 23. doi: 10.1038/s41418- 017-0012-4.


17.  Favorable Vascular Actions of Angiotensin-(1-7) in Human Obesity. Schinzari F, Tesauro M, Veneziani A, Mores N, Di Daniele N, Cardillo C. Hypertension. 2018 Jan;71(1):185-

191. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.117.10280. Epub 2017 Dec 4.



18.  Favorable Vascular Actions of Angiotensin-(1-7) in Human Obesity. Schinzari F, Tesauro M, Veneziani A, Mores N, Di Daniele N, Cardillo C.Hypertension. 2018 Jan;71(1):185- 191. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.117.10280. 2017 Dec 4.


19.  Peroxiredoxin6, a Multitask Antioxidant Enzyme Involved in the Pathophysiology of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases. Pacifici F, Della Morte D, Capuani B, Pastore D, Bellia A, Sbraccia P, Di Daniele N, Lauro R, Lauro D.Antioxid Redox Signal. 2018 Jan 2. doi: 10.1089/ars.2017.7427.



20.  Circadian blood pressure patterns and blood pressure control in patients with chronic kidney disease. Di Daniele N, Fegatelli DA, Rovella V, Castagnola V, Gabriele M, Scuteri A.Atherosclerosis. 2017 Dec; 267:139-145. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2017.10.031. Epub 2017 Oct 26


21.  Hypertension in kidney transplantation is associated with an early renal nerve sprouting. Mauriello A, Rovella V, Borri F, Anemona L, Giannini E, Giacobbi E, Saggini A, Palmieri G, Anselmo A, Bove P, Melino G, Valentina G, Tesauro M, Gabriele D, Di Daniele N.Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2017 Jun 1;32(6):1053-1060. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfx069



22.  p73 Regulates Primary Cortical Neuron Metabolism: a Global Metabolic Profile. Agostini M, Niklison-Chirou MV, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli MM, Grelli S, Di Daniele N, Pestlikis I, Knight RA, Melino G, Rufini A.Mol Neurobiol. 2017 May 6. doi: 10.1007/s12035-017- 0517-3.


23.  Arterial ageing: from endothelial dysfunction to vascular calcification. Tesauro M, Mauriello A, Rovella V, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Cardillo C, Melino G, Di Daniele N. J Intern Med. 2017 Mar 27. doi: 10.1111/joim.12605.


24.  Beneficial Effects of Apelin on Vascular Function in Patients With Central Obesity. Schinzari F, Veneziani A, Mores N, Barini A, Di Daniele N, Cardillo C, Tesauro M. Hypertension. 2017 May;69(5):942-949. doi:10.1161/ Hypertension AHA.116.08916. 2017 Mar 13.


25.  TAp73 upregulates IL-1β in cancer cells: Potential biomarker in lung and breast cancer?Vikhreva P, Petrova V, Gokbulut T, Pestlikis I, Mancini M, Di Daniele N, Knight RA, Melino G, Amelio I. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Jan 15;482(3):498-505. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.10.085. Epub 2017 Feb 3.



26.  Metabolic pathways regulated by p63. Candi E, Smirnov A, Panatta E, Lena AM, Novelli F, Mancini M, Viticchiè G, Piro MC, Di Daniele N, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Melino


G.     Biochem     Biophys     Res     Commun.     2017     Jan     15;482(3):440-444.      doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.10.094. Epub 2017 Feb 3. Review.


27.  Vascular Effects of Obestatin in Lean and Obese Subjects. Schinzari F, Veneziani A, Mores N, Barini A, Di Daniele N, Cardillo C, Tesauro M. Diabetes. 2017 Feb 7. pii: db161067. doi: 10.2337/db16-1067.


28.  Differential regulated microRNA by wild type and mutant p53 in induced pluripotent stem cells. Grespi F, Landré V, Molchadsky A, Di Daniele N, Marsella LT, Melino G, Rotter V. Cell Death Dis. 2016 Dec 29;7(12):e2567. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2016.419.


29.  Impact of Mediterranean diet on metabolic syndrome, cancer and longevity. Di Daniele N, Noce A, Vidiri MF, Moriconi E, Marrone G, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, D'Urso G, Tesauro M, Rovella V, De Lorenzo A. Oncotarget. 2017 Jan 31;8(5):8947-8979. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.13553. Review



30.  Reference intervals for HbA1c partitioned for gender and age: a multicenter study. Pieri M, Pignalosa S, Zenobi R, Callà C, Martino FG, Menichella G, Mancina F, Moscato U, Nocca G, Khashoggi H, Bernardini S, Dessì M, Di Daniele N. Acta Diabetol. 2016 Dec;53(6):1053-1056. Epub 2016 Oct 22. No abstract available.


31.  Vascular ageing and endothelial cell senescence: Molecular mechanisms of physiology and diseases. Regina C, Panatta E, Candi E, Melino G, Amelio I, Balistreri CR, Annicchiarico- Petruzzelli M, Di Daniele N, Ruvolo G. Mech Ageing Dev. 2016 Oct;159:14-21.doi: 10.1016/j.mad.2016.05.003. Epub 2016 May 4. Review.



32.  Is low-protein diet a possible risk factor of malnutrition in chronic kidney disease patients? Noce A, Vidiri MF, Marrone G, Moriconi E, Bocedi A, Capria A, Rovella V, Ricci G, De Lorenzo A, Di Daniele N. Cell Death Discov. 2016 May 9;2:16026. doi: 10.1038/cddiscovery.2016.26. eCollection 2016.


33.  The role of epsilon PKC in acute and chronic diseases: Possible pharmacological implications of its modulators. Capuani B, Pacifici F, Pastore D, Palmirotta R, Donadel G, Arriga R, Bellia A, Di Daniele N, Rogliani P, Abete P, Sbraccia P, Guadagni F, Lauro D, Della-Morte D. Pharmacol Res. 2016 Sep;111:659-67. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2016.07.029. Epub 2016 Jul 25. Review.



34.  Ultraconserved long non-coding RNA uc.63 in breast cancer. Marini A, Lena AM, Panatta E, Ivan C, Han L, Liang H, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Di Daniele N, Calin GA, Candi E, Melino G. Oncotarget 2016: July 13 Advance Publication.


35.  FOXM1 regulates proliferation, senescence and oxidative stress in keratinocytes and cancer cells. Smirnov A, Panatta E, Lena A, Castiglia D, Di Daniele N, Melino G, Candi

E. Aging (Albany NY). 2016 Jul 3.


36.  Preventive geriatrics the cross-talk between arterial and brain aging: A lifelong condition. Scuteri A, Tesauro M, Di Daniele N. Exp Gerontol. 2016 Jun 14. pii: S0531- 5565(16)30154-1. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2016.06.003.

37.  Vascular ageing and endothelial cell senescence: Molecular mechanisms of physiology and diseases. Regina C, Panatta E, Candi E, Melino G, Amelio I, Balistreri CR, Annicchiarico- Petruzzelli M, Di Daniele N, Ruvolo G. Mech Ageing Dev. 2016 May 4.


38.  Obesity and kidney disease: Beyond the hyperfiltration. Mascali A, Franzese O, Nisticò S, Campia U, Lauro D, Cardillo C, Di Daniele N, Tesauro M. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2016 Apr 4.


39.  Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K et al. Autophagy. 2016 Jan 2;12(1):1-222.


40.  DNA repair and aging: the impact of the p53 family. Nicolai S, Rossi A, Di Daniele N, Melino G, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Raschellà G. Aging (Albany NY). 2015 Dec;7(12):1050-65. Review.


41.  Increased sympathetic renal innervation in haemodialysis patients is the anatomical substrate of sympathetic hyperactivity in end-stage renal disease

Mauriello A, Rovella V, Anemona L, Servadei F, Giannini E, Bove PL, Anselmo A, Melino G, Di Daniele N. J Am Heart Assoc. 2015 Nov 26;4(12).


42.  Are Hemodynamic Factors Involved in Cognitive Impairment?

Scuteri A, Di Daniele N. Hypertension. 2015 Nov 16. pii: HYPERTENSION AHA.115.06495.


43.  ßNp63 controls cellular redox status. Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Di Daniele N, Candi E. Oncoscience. 2015 Aug 25;2(8):661-2. eCollection 2015.


44.  SGK-1 protects kidney cells against apoptosis induced by ceramide and TNF-α. Pastore D, Della-Morte D, Coppola A, Capuani B, Lombardo MF, Pacifici F, Ferrelli F, Arriga R, Mammi C, Federici M, Bellia A, Di Daniele N, Tesauro M, Donadel G, Noto D, Sbraccia P, Sconocchia G, Lauro D. Cell Death Dis. 2015 Sep 17;6:e1890.


45.  Antioxidant supplement and sports. Donatucci B, Sbardella D., Tundo GR, Casasco M, Di Daniele N, Rogliani P, Marini S. Medicina Dello Sport 2015 sept; 68:359-366.


46.  Vasodilator Responses and Endothelin-Dependent Vasoconstriction in Metabolically Healthy Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome. Schinzari F, Iantorno M, Campia U, Mores N, Rovella V, Tesauro M, Di Daniele N, Cardillo C. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Sep 15:


47.  Therapeutic approaches of uncomplicated arterial hypertension in patients with COPD. Di Daniele N. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Sep 10. Review.


48.  The E3 ligase Itch knock-out mice show hyper-proliferation and wound healing alteration. Giamboi-Miraglia A, Cianfarani F, Cattani C, Lena AM, Serra V, Campione E, Terrinoni A, Zambruno G, Odorisio T, Di Daniele N, Melino G, Candi E.FEBS J. 2015 Sep 12.


49.  Role of Serum and Glucocorticoid-Inducible Kinase (SGK)-1 in Senescence: a Novel Molecular Target against Age-Related Diseases. Lauro D, Pastore D, Capuani B, Pacifici F, Palmirotta R, Abete P, Roselli M, Bellia A, Federici M, Di Daniele N, Sbraccia P, Guadagni F, Lauro R, Della-Morte D. Curr Med Chem. 2015 Aug 12.


50.  Coronary artery calcifications predict long term cardiovascular events in non diabetic Caucasian hemodialysis patients. Noce A, Canale MP, Capria A, Rovella V, Tesauro M, Splendiani G, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Manzuoli M, Simonetti G, Di Daniele N. Aging (Albany NY). 2015 Apr;7(4):269-79.


51. 6D.01: OBESTATIN INDUCES NITRIC OXIDE-DEPENDENT VASODILATION AND INHIBITS ENDOTHELIN-1 ACTIVITY IN HUMAN OBESITY. Schinzari F, Tesauro M, Paoluzzi A, Mores N, Rovella V, Di Daniele N, Cardillo C. J Hypertens. 2015 Jun;33 Suppl 1:e82.


52.[Lazio dialysis registry: natives vs foreigners]. Di Napoli A, Lapucci E, Baglio G, Di Giulio S; Registro Regionale Dialisi e Trapianto del Lazio. G Ital Nefrol. 2015 May-Jun;32(3).


53. Biocompatibility assessment of haemodialysis membrane materials by proteomic investigations. Pieroni L, Levi Mortera S, Greco V, Sirolli V, Ronci M, Felaco P, Fucci G, De Fulviis S, Massoud R, Condò S, Capria A, Di Daniele N, Bernardini S, Urbani A, Bonomini M. Mol Biosyst. 2015 Jun;11(6):1633-43.


54. The possible role of glutathione-S-transferase activity in diabetic nephropathy. Tesauro M, Nisticò S, Noce A, Tarantino A, Marrone G, Costa A, Rovella V, Di Cola G, Campia U, Lauro D, Cardillo C, Di Daniele N. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2015 Mar;28(1):129- 33.


55. Liver Protein Profiles in Insulin Receptor Knockout Mice Reveal Novel Molecules Involved in the Diabetes Pathophysiology. Capuani B, Della-Morte D, Donadel G, Caratelli S, Bova L, Pastore D, De Canio M, D'Aguanno S, Coppola A, Pacifici F, Arriga R, Bellia A, Ferrelli F, Tesauro M, Federici M, Neri A, Bernardini S, Sbraccia P, Di Daniele N, Sconocchia G, Orlandi A, Urbani A, Lauro D. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Feb 24:


56. Erythrocyte glutathione transferase in uremic diabetic patients: additional data. Noce A, Fabrini R, Bocedi A, Di Daniele N. Acta Diabetol. 2014 Nov 16.


57. Gut hormones and endothelial dysfunction in patients with obesity and diabetes. Iantorno M, Campia U, Di Daniele N, Nistico S, Forleo GB, Cardillo C, Tesauro M. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2014 Jul-Sep;27(3):433-6. Review.


58. Essential versus accessory aspects of cell death: recommendations of the NCCD 2015. Galluzzi L, Bravo-San Pedro JM, Vitale I, Aaronson SA, Abrams JM, Adam D, Alnemri ES, Altucci L, Andrews D, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Baehrecke EH, Bazan NG, Bertrand MJ, Bianchi K, Blagosklonny MV, Blomgren K, Borner C, Bredesen DE, Brenner C, Campanella M, Candi E, Cecconi F, Chan FK, Chandel NS, Cheng EH, Chipuk JE, Cidlowski JA, Ciechanover A, Dawson TM, Dawson VL, De Laurenzi V, De Maria R, Debatin KM, Di Daniele N, Dixit VM, Dynlacht BD, El-Deiry WS, Fimia GM, Flavell RA, Fulda S, Garrido C, Gougeon ML, Green DR, Gronemeyer H, Hajnoczky G, Hardwick


JM, Hengartner MO, Ichijo H, Joseph B, Jost PJ, Kaufmann T, Kepp O, Klionsky DJ, Knight RA, Kumar S, Lemasters JJ, Levine B, Linkermann A, Lipton SA, Lockshin RA, López-Otín C, Lugli E, Madeo F, Malorni W, Marine JC, Martin SJ, Martinou JC, Medema JP, Meier P, Melino S, Mizushima N, Moll U, Muñoz-Pinedo C, Nuñez G, Oberst A, Panaretakis T, Penninger JM, Peter ME, Piacentini M, Pinton P, Prehn JH, Puthalakath H, Rabinovich GA, Ravichandran KS, Rizzuto R, Rodrigues CM, Rubinsztein DC, Rudel T, Shi Y, Simon HU, Stockwell BR, Szabadkai G, Tait SW, Tang HL, Tavernarakis N, Tsujimoto Y, Vanden Berghe T, Vandenabeele P, Villunger A, Wagner EF, Walczak H, White E, Wood WG, Yuan J, Zakeri Z, Zhivotovsky B, Melino G, Kroemer G. Cell Death Differ. 2014 Sep 19..2014.137.


59. Analysis of the power of common diagnostic tools in the management of acute pancreatitis. Nistal M, Zoltani M, Lohse AW, Di Daniele N, Tesauro M, Pace A. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2014;2014:438697. Epub 2014 Aug 20.1 [PubMed] Free PMC Article


60. Homocysteine, cysteine, folate and vitamin B12 status in type 2 diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease. Pastore A, Noce A, Di Giovamberardino G, De Stefano A, Callà C, Zenobi R, Dessì M, Di Daniele N. J Nephrol. 2014 Aug 6.


61. Reduction of left ventricular hypertrophy detected by cardiac magnetic resonance in a patient after renal denervation. Di Daniele N, Rovella V, Violo L, De Francesco M, Sperandio M, Spinelli A, Tesauro M, Romeo F, Simonetti G. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown). 2014 Jul 10.



62. Gut microbioma population: an indicator really sensible to any change in age, diet, metabolic syndrome, and life-style. Annalisa N, Alessio T, Claudette TD, Erald V, Antonino de L, Nicola Di Daniele. Mediators Inflamm. 2014;2014:901308. Epub 2014 Jun

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63. Obesity, inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. Iantorno M, Campia U, Di Daniele N, Nistico S, Forleo GB, Cardillo C, Tesauro M. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2014 Apr- Jun;28(2):169-76. Review.


64. Serum glucocorticoid inducible kinase (SGK)-1 protects endothelial cells against oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by hyperglycaemia. Ferrelli F, Pastore D, Capuani B, Lombardo MF, Blot-Chabaud M, Coppola A, Basello K, Galli A, Donadel G, Romano M, Caratelli S, Pacifici F, Arriga R, Di Daniele N, Sbraccia P, Sconocchia G, Bellia A, Tesauro M, Federici M, Della-Morte D, Lauro D. Acta Diabetol. 2014 Jun 25.


65. Toll-like receptor 4 mediates endothelial cell activation through NF-κB but is not associated with endothelial dysfunction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Menghini R, Campia U, Tesauro M, Marino A, Rovella V, Rodia G, Schinzari F, Tolusso B, Di Daniele N, Federici M, Zoli A, Ferraccioli G, Cardillo C. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 11;9(6):


66. MicroRNAs in human skin ageing. Mancini M, Lena AM, Saintigny G, Mahé C, Di Daniele N, Melino G, Candi E. Ageing Res Rev. 2014 Sep;17:9-15. doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2014.04.003. Epub 2014 Apr 28.


67. Effects of Italian Mediterranean organic diet vs. low-protein diet in nephropathic patients according to MTHFR genotypes. Di Daniele N, Di Renzo L, Noce A, Iacopino L, Ferraro PM, Rizzo M, Sarlo F, Domino E, De Lorenzo A. J Nephrol. 2014 Oct;27(5):529-36.


68. Plasma and erythrocyte membrane phospholipids and fatty acids in Italian general population and hemodialysis patients. Dessì M, Noce A, Bertucci P, Noce G, Rizza S, De Stefano A, Manca di Villahermosa S, Bernardini S, De Lorenzo A, Di Daniele N. Lipids Health Dis. 2014 Mar 21;13:54.


69. Influence of dialysis techniques and alternate vitamin supplementation on homocysteine levels in patients with known MTHFR genotypes. Dessì M, Di Giovamberardino G, Pieri M, Noce A, Zenobi R, Di Daniele N, Pastore A. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2014 Mar 21. [

70. The vascular endothelin system in obesity and type 2 diabetes: Pathophysiology and therapeutic implications. Campia U, Tesauro M, Di Daniele N, Cardillo C. Life Sci. 2014 Mar 7. pii: S0024-3205(14)00285-9. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2014.02.028.


71. Technical aspects of renal denervation in end-stage renal disease patients with challenging anatomy.Spinelli A, Da Ros V, Morosetti D, D'Onofrio S, Rovella V, Di Daniele N, Simonetti G. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2013 Dec 24.


72. Obesity-related metabolic syndrome: mechanisms of sympathetic overactivity. Canale MP, Manca di Villahermosa S, Martino G, Rovella V, Noce A, De Lorenzo A, Di Daniele N. Int J Endocrinol. 2013; Epub 2013 Oct 31. Review.


73. Aortic stiffness and hypotension episodes are associated with impaired cognitive function in older subjects with subjective complaints of memory loss. Scuteri A, Tesauro M, Guglini L, Lauro D, Fini M, Di Daniele N. Int J Cardiol. 2013 Nov 20;169(5):371-7.


74. Safety food in Celiac Disease patients: a systematic Review. Dessi M, Noce A, Vergovich S, Noce G., Di Daniele N. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2013 July; 4: 1- 20


75. Atherosclerosis, Dyslipidemia, and Inflammation: The Significant Role of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids. Dessì M, Noce A, Bertucci P, Manca di Villahermosa S, Zenobi R, Castagnola V, Addessi E, Di Daniele N. ISRN Inflamm. 2013 May 12;2013:191823. Review.


76. Regulatory T cells in the immunodiagnosis and outcome of kidney allograft rejection. Franzese O, Mascali A, Capria A, Castagnola V, Paganizza L, Di Daniele N. Clin Dev Immunol. 2013; Epub 2013 Jun 15.


77.[Index resistance in renal ultrasound: what is the clinical significance?].Fiorini F, Granata A, Noce A, Durante O, Insalaco M, Di Daniele N. G Ital Nefrol. 2013 Mar- Apr;30(2). pii: gin/30.2.4. Italian.


78. Erythrocyte glutathione transferase activity: a possible early biomarker for blood toxicity in uremic diabetic patients. Noce A, Fabrini R, Dessì M, Bocedi A, Santini S, Rovella V, Pastore A, Tesauro M, Bernardini S, Di Daniele N, Ricci G.Acta Diabetol. 2013 Jul 2.


79. Asthma and COPD in an Italian adult population: Role of BMI considering the smoking habit. Cazzola M, Calzetta L, Lauro D, Bettoncelli G, Cricelli C, Di Daniele N, Rogliani P. Respir Med. 2013 May 20. doi:pii: S0954-6111(13)00171-6.


80. Percutaneous renal sympathetic nerve ablation for loin pain haematuria syndrome. Gambaro G, Fulignati P, Spinelli A, Rovella V, Di Daniele N. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2013 May.


81. Drastic Reduction Of Piperacillin-Tazobactam Concentrations In An In-Vitro Model Of Continuous Venovenous Hemofiltration: Proposal Of An Innovative Modality Of Administration To Maintain Them At Constant Concentration. Ferrannini M, Niscola P, Falcone C, Noce A, Pastore A, Di Giovamberardino G, Scaramucci L, Di Daniele N, Palumbo R. Cardiovasc Hematol Agents Med Chem. 2013 Mar 26

82. Pharmacogenetics in cardiovascular disorders: an update on the principal drugs. Predazzi IM, Mango R, Norata GD, Di Daniele N, Sergi D, Romeo F, Novelli G. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs. 2013 Apr;13(2):79-85.



83. Bilateral native kidney neoplasia detected by ultrasound in functionning renal allograft recipient. Noce A, Iaria G, Durante O, Sforza D, Canale MP, Di Villahermosa SM, Castagnola V, Tisone G, Di Daniele N. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2012 Dec;84(4):253-5.


84. Refractory hypertension and rapidly progressive renal failure due to bilateral renal artery stenosis: case report. Noce A, Canale MP, Durante O, di Villahermosa SM, Rovella V, Fiorini F, Parolini C, Di Daniele N. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2012 Dec;84(4):249-52.



85. Nephrotic syndrome and abdominal arterial bruits in a young hypertensive patient: a case report. Canale MP, Rovella V, Staffolani E, Miani N, Borzacchi MS, Giannakakis K, Noce A, Di Daniele N. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2012 Dec;84(4):238- 41.


86. Leptin Stimulates Both Endothelin-1 and Nitric Oxide Activity in Lean Subjects But Not in Patients With Obesity-Related Metabolic Syndrome. Schinzari F, Tesauro M, Rovella V, Di Daniele N, Mores N, Veneziani A, Cardillo C. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Jan 31.


87. Cytokine Removal under Hemodiafiltration with Endogenous Reinfusion in Acute Kidney Injury Secondary to Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma: A Case Report. Staffolani E, Nicolais R, Manca di Villahermosa S, Galli D, Postorino M, Di Daniele N. Blood Purif. 2013 Jan 23;34(3-4):349-353.


88. Chronic kidney disease, obesity, and hypertension: the role of leptin and adiponectin. Tesauro M, Mascali A, Franzese O, Cipriani S, Cardillo C, Di Daniele. N. Int J Hypertens. 2012;2012:943605. Epub 2012 Dec 23.


89. Influence of continuous erythropoietin receptor activator on markers of cardiovascular risk in chronic kidney disease patients. Noce A, Dessì M, Durante O,


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90. Body composition changes and cardiometabolic benefits of a balanced Italian Mediterranean Diet in obese patients with metabolic syndrome. Di Daniele N, Petramala L, Di Renzo L, Sarlo F, Della Rocca DG, Rizzo M, Fondacaro V, Iacopino L, Pepine CJ, De Lorenzo A. Acta Diabetol. 2012 Nov 28.


91. Preoperative embolization reduces the risk of cathecolamines release at the time of surgical excision of large pelvic extra-adrenal sympathetic paraganglioma. Di Daniele N, Canale MP, Tesauro M, Rovella V, Gandini R, Schillaci O, Cadeddu F, Milito G. Case Rep Endocrinol. 2012;2012:481328. Epub 2012 Sep 4.


92. Erythrocyte glutathione transferase: a new biomarker for hemodialysis adequacy, overcoming the Kt/V(urea) dogma? Noce A, Ferrannini M, Fabrini R, Bocedi A, Dessì M, Galli F, Federici G, Palumbo R, Di Daniele N, Ricci G. Cell Death Dis. 2012 Aug 23;3:e377.



93. Rho-kinase inhibition improves vasodilator responsiveness during hyperinsulinemia in the metabolic syndrome. Schinzari F, Tesauro M, Rovella V, Di Daniele N, Gentileschi P, Mores N, Campia U, Cardillo C. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Sep 15;303(6):E806-11. Epub 2012 Jul 24.


94. Impact of the -174 G > C IL-6 polymorphism on bioelectrical parameters in obese subjects after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. Di Renzo L, Carbonelli MG, Bianchi A, Domino E, Migliore MR, Rillo G, Iacopino L, Di Daniele N, De Lorenzo A. J Obes. 2012;2012:208953. doi: 10.1155/2012/208953. Epub 2012 May 15.


95. Renal sympathetic nerve ablation for the treatment of difficult-to-control or refractory hypertension in a haemodialysis patient. Di Daniele N, De Francesco M, Violo L, Spinelli A, Simonetti G. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012 Apr;27(4):1689-90.


96. Endovascular radiofrequency renal denervation in treating refractory arterial hypertension: a preliminary experience. Simonetti G, Spinelli A, Gandini R, Da Ros V, Gaspari E, Coco I, De Francesco M, Santucci D, Di Daniele N, Lauro R. Radiol Med 2012 Jan 7.


97. Occurrence of Hypotension in older participants. Which 24-hour ABPM parameter better correlate with? Scuteri A, Modestino A, Frattari A, Di Daniele N, Tesauro M. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2012 Jan 6


98. Adiposity rather than BMI determines metabolic risk. De Lorenzo A, Bianchi A, Maroni P, Iannarelli A, Di Daniele N, Iacopino L. Int. J. Cardiol. 2011 Nov 14.


99. Treatment of electrolyte disorders by hemodialysis. Galli D, Staffolani E, Miani N, Morosetti M, Di Daniele N. G. Ital. Nefrol. 2011 Jul-Aug; 28 (4): 408-15.


100.            Body composition chenges after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding: what is the role of 174G>C interleukin-6 promoter gene polymorphism in the therapeutic strategy? Di Renzo L, Carbonelli MG, Bianchi A, Iacopino L, Fiorito R, Di Daniele N,


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101.            Opioid analgesics in patients with chronic renal failure: principles for use and current guidelines. Niscola P, Giovannini M, Vischini G, ScaramucciL, Ferrannini M,Tendas A, Cupelli L, Bondanini F, Di Daniele N, Palumbo R. G Ital Nefrol. 2011 May-Jun; 28 (3): 269-77


102.            Comment on:”Ling Z, Yan K, Ping F et al. Myoglobin clearance by continous venous-venous haemofiltration in rhabdomyolysis, with acute kidney injury: A case series” Violo L, Mascali A, Di Daniele N. Injury. 2011. Mar 31.


103.            Metabolic sindrome, chronic kidney, and cardiovascular diseases: role of adipokines. Tesauro M, Canale MP, Rodia G, Di Daniele N, Lauro D, Scuteri A, Cardsillo C. Cardiol Res Pract. 2011 Mar 7: 653182


104.             Longitudinal study of total boby potassium in healthy men. Andreoli A, Volpe SL, Ratcliffe SJ, Di Daniele N, Imparato A, Gabriel L, Parente G, Possemato S, De Lorenzo A.J Am Coll Nutr. 2010 Aug;29(4):352-6.


105.            A very cheap renal replacement therapy in the intensive care uniti s it possible? Ferrannini M, Vischini G, Palumbo R, Di Daniele N. Artif Organs. 2010 Jun;34(6):523; author reply 523-4. Epub 2010 Apr 20.


106.            Alpha-lipoic acid supplementation a tool for obesity therapy? Carbonelli MG, Di Renzo L, Bigioni M, Di Daniele N, De Lorenzo A, Fusco MA. Curr Pharm Des. 2010;16(7):840-6.


107.            The effect of Italian Mediterranean organic diet (IMOD) on health status. De Lorenzo A, Noce A, Bigioni M, Calabrese V, Della Rocca DG, Di Daniele N, Tozzo C, Di Renzo L.Curr Pharm Des. 2010;16(7):814-24.


108.            Brown tumor in a patient with secondary hyperthyroidism resistant to medical therapy: case report on successful treatment after subtotal parathyroidectomy. Di Daniele N, Condò S, Ferrannini M, Bertoli M, Rovella V, Di Renzo L, De Lorenzo A. Int J Endocrinol. 2009; 2009:827652.


109.            Pharmacogenomics: Role in Medicines Approval and Clinical Use. Novelli G, Borgiani P, Ciccacci C, Di Daniele N, Sirugo G, Papaluca Amati M.Public Health Genomics. 2009 Oct 6.


110.    Ghrelin restores the endothelin 1/nitric oxide balance in patients with obesity-related metabolic syndrome. Tesauro M, Schinzari F, Rovella V, Di Daniele N, Lauro D, Mores N, Veneziani A, Cardillo C. Hypertension. 2009 Nov;54(5):995-1000. Epub 2009 Sep 28.


111.             A pilot beta-thalassaemia screening program in the Albanian population for a health planning program. Baghernajad-Salehi L, D'Apice MR, Babameto-Laku A, Biancolella M, Mitre A, Russo S, Di Daniele N, Sangiuolo F, Mokini V, Novelli G. Acta Haematol. 2009;121(4):234-8.


112.  Rituximab in post allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation membranous


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113.  Cystatin C: a promising misunderstood biomarker for the diagnosis of acute kidney injury. Ferrannini M, Vischini G, Di Daniele N. Kidney Int. 2008 Dec;74(12):1623;


114.  Body composition and -174G/C interleukin-6 promoter gene polymorphism: association with progression of insulin resistance in normal weight obese syndrome. Di Renzo L, Bertoli A, Bigioni M, Del Gobbo V, Premrov MG, Calabrese V, Di Daniele N, De Lorenzo A. Curr Pharm Des. 2008;14(26):2699-706.


115.  Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry analysis of body composition in patients affected by OSAS. Bruno E, Alessandrini M, Napolitano B, De Padova A, Di Daniele N, De Lorenzo A. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2009 Aug;266(8):1285-90. Epub 2008 Nov 4.


116.  Rituximab in membranous nephropathy after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Ferrannini M, Vischini G, Di Daniele N. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2008 Aug;23(8):2700-1; author reply 2701. Epub 2008 Apr 2.


117.  Anti-inflammatory effects of combined treatment with acetyl salicylic acid and atorvastatin in haemodialysis patients affected by Normal Weight Obese syndrome. Di Renzo L, Noce A, De Angelis S, Miani N, Di Daniele N, Tozzo C, De Lorenzo

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118.  Clinical policies on the management of chronic kidney disease patients in Italy. Locatelli F, Zoccali C; SIR SIN Study Investigators. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2008 Feb;23(2):621-6. Epub 2007 Nov 26.


119.    Rheopheresis in vascular diseases. Ferrannini M, Vischini G, Staffolani E, Scaccia F, Miani N, Parravano MC, Louis MM, Splendiani G, Di Daniele N. Int J Artif Organs. 2007 Oct;30(10):923-9.


120.  Effect of a moderately hypoenergetic Mediterranean diet and exercise program on body cell mass and cardiovascular risk factors in obese women. Andreoli A, Lauro S, Di Daniele N, Sorge R, Celi M, Volpe SL. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2008 Jul;62(7):892-7. Epub 2007 May 16.


121.    Insulin glargine in enteric tube feeding. Marchetti G, Tesauro M, Di Daniele N, Bollea MR, Lauro R, Bertoli A. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2007 Nov;78(2):298-9. Epub 2007 May

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122.    Body fluid compartments in hypertension. Cianci R, Citro F, Migneco A, Baldoni F, Minisci MC, Di Daniele N, De Lorenzo A. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2006 Mar- Apr;10(2):75-8.


123.             Resting metabolic rate incremented by pulsating eletrostatic field therapy (PESF)” De Lorenzo A.,Martinoli R.,Carbonelli M.G.,Monteleone G., Di Lorenzo N., Di Daniele N. Diabetes Nutr. Metab. 2004 Oct;17(5): (309-312).


124.             Assessment of total boby potassum in healthy italian men De Lorenzo A., Andreoli A., Battisti P., Candeloro N., Volpe S., Di Daniele N. Ann Human Biology Jul-Aug 2004 (381-388).


125.             Effect of supplementation of calcium and vitamin D on Bone Mineral Density and Bone Mineral Content in peri- and post-menopause women. A double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Di Daniele N., Carbonelli M. G., Candeloro N., Iacopino L., De Lorenzo A., Andreoli A Journal of the Pharmacological Researche. 20-May 2004:(637-641)


126.               Towards the pharmacogenomics of cystic fibrosis: an update Sangiuolo F., D’Apice M.R., Gambardella S., Di Daniele N. and Novelli G. Pharmacogenomics. May- 2004:(861-878)


127.             Predicting bone mineral density of postmenopausal healthy and cirrhotic Italian women using anthropometric variables. Casini A, Mohamed EI, Gandin C, Tarantino U, Di Daniele N, De Lorenzo A. Dig Liver Dis. 2003 Dec; 35(12): 881-7.


128.             Body composition analysis for healthy Italian vegetarians. Siani V, Mohamed EI, Maiolo C, Di Daniele N, Ratiu A, Leonardi A, De Lorenzo A. Acta Diabetol. 2003 Oct; 40 Suppl1:S297-8.


129.             How fat is obese? De Lorenzo A, Deurenberg P, Pietrantuono M, Di Daniele N, Cervelli V, Andreoli A. Acta Diabetol. 2003 Oct; 40 Suppl 1: S254-7.


130.             Lipid profile, BMI, body fat distribution, and aerobic fitness in men with metabolic syndrome. Bertoli A, Di Daniele N, Ceccobelli M, Ficara A, Girasoli C, De Lorenzo A. Acta Diabetol.2003 Oct; 40 Suppl 1: S130-3.


131.             Effect of different sports on body cell mass in highly trained athletes. Andreoli A, Melchiorri G, Brozzi M, Di Marco A, Volpe SL, Garofano P, Di Daniele N, De Lorenzo

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·         Adipose Tissue Secretory Changes and Low-Grade Inflammation Combine With Insulin Resistance and Vascular Dysfunction in Human Obesity. Schinzari F, Tesauro M, Veneziani A et al. Circulation. 2018;136:A16016


·         Angiotension-(1-7) inhibits Endothelin-1 Mediated Vasoconstriction but does not affect Nitric Oxide-Dependent Vasodilation in Obese Patients. F Schinzari, M Tesauro, Veneziani A, N Mores, U Campia, N Di Daniele, C Cardillo. Circulation Volume: 134 Supplement: 1 Meeting Abstract: 17682 Published: NOV 11 2016


·         Involvement of PRDX6 in the pathogenesis of obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Arriga, R, Pacifici F, Capuani B, Coppola A, Scioli M, Pastore D, Tesauro M, Di Daniele N, Sbraccia P, Orlandi A, Sconocchia G, Donadel G, Della Morte D, Lauro D. Conference: 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-Diabetes (EASD) Location: Munich, GERMANY Date: SEP 12-16, 2016 Sponsor(s): European Assoc Study Diabet DIABETOLOGIA Volume: 59 Supplement: 1 Pages:  S80-S80  Meeting  Abstract: 155 Published: AUG 2016


·         Apelin Decreases Endothelin-1 Vasoconstrictor Tone in Patients with the Metabolic Syndrome. Schinzari F,; Tesauro M, Veneziani A, Mores N, Campia U, Di Daniele N, Cardillo C. Conference: 12th International Symposium on Mechanisms of Vasodilatation Location: Rochester, NY Date: NOV 06-09, 2016 Journal of Vascular Research. Volume:

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·         Changes in Vasodilator Reactivity and Vasoconstrictor Tone in Metabolically Healthy Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome M Iantorno, F Schinzari, N Mores, M Tesauro, N Di


Daniele, U Campia, Carmine Cardillo Circulation 132 (Suppl 3), A18950-A18950. 2015/11/10


·         Obestatin induces nitric oxide-dependent vasodilation and inhibits endothelin-1 activity in human obesity. Schinzari E, Tesauro M, Paoluzzi A et al. Journal of Hypertension 33 Suppl 1 - ESH 2015 Abstract Book:e 82 · June 2015


·         The Gut Hormone Obestatin Induces Nitric Oxide-Dependent Vasodilation and Inhibits Endothelin-1 Activity in Obese Patients F Schinzari, M Tesauro, A Adamo, A Paolucci, V Rovella, N Di Daniele, Nadia Mores, Umberto Campia, Carmine Cardillo Circulation 130 (Suppl 2), A11694-A11694, 2014 /11/25


·         Homocystein, Folate and Vitamin B12 levels in type 2 diabetic patients with various stage of chronic kidney disease A Pastore, A Noce, G Di Giovanberardino, A Di Stefano, N Di Daniele, M Dessi, CA Calla International Congress Andvances and Controversies in B- Vitamins and Choline, 2012


·         Predictive role of serum Cystatin C (sCysC) on survival in cardiac surgical patients. A Noce, M Ferrannini, M Dessi, G Splendiani, R Palumbo, N Di Daniele International Journal of Artificial Organs. 34 (8), 680-680, 2011


·         Coronary artery calcifications and cardiovascular mortality in hemodialysis patients A Noce, O Durante, S Manca di Villahermosa, M Dessi, E Athanasopoulou, S De Angelis, G Splendiani, N Di Daniele International Journal of Artificial Organs. 34 (8), 628-628, 2011


·         Impact of hemodialytic procedures and dialytic doses on Erythrocyte Glutathione S- Tranferase (e-GST) activity A Noce, M Ferrannini, M Dessi, A Bocedi, R Fabrini, R Palumbo, G Ricci, N Di Daniele International Journal of Artificial Organs 34 (8), 672-673, 2011


·         Progression & risk factors CKD 1-5. D Bolignano, L Zanoli, S Rastelli, C Marcantoni, G Coppolino, G Lucisano, et al. NDT Plus 4 (suppl 2), 4. s2. 30, 2011


·         Cardiovascular complications in CKD 5. A Bilgic, S Sezer, N Ozdemir, N Kurita, N Hosokawa, S Nomura, Y Maeda, et al. NDT Plus 4 (suppl 2), 4. s2. 55, 2011


·         Contribution of Body Composition and Resting Metabolic Rate to Bone Mineral Density in Women 17-78 Years of Age. A Andreoli, SL Volpe, M Van Loan, N Di Daniele, L Iacopino, A De Lorenzo. The FASEB Journal 25 (1_Meeting Abstracts), 332.4, 2011


·         Homocysteine levels and erythrocyte Glutathione S-transferase activity in a hemodialysis population A Noce, C Tozzo, M Dessi, O Durante, S Manca-di-Villahermosa, R Massoud, G Ricci, N Di Daniele International Journal of Artificial Organs 33 (7), 484-485 2010 6-9 Ottobre 2010. 51° Congresso Nazionale della SIN. Rimini Italia


·         Homocysteine levels and erythrocyte glutathione S-transferase activity in a hemodialysis population. Noce A, Tozzo C, Dessì M, Durante O, Manca di Villahermosa S, Massoud R, Ricci G, Di Daniele N. 8-11 settembre 2010 XXXVII Congress ESAO Skopje, R. Macedonia


·         Trattamento con metossipolietilenglicole-epoetina beta (C.E.R.A.) ed indici di rischio cardiovascolare nei pazienti affetti da insufficienza renale cronica in terapia conservativa. Noce A, Durante O, Manca di Villahermosa S, Taccone Gallucci M, Dessì M, Tozzo C, Di Daniele N. 6-9 Ottobre 2010. 51° Congresso Nazionale della SIN. Rimini Italia


·         Influence of treatment with continuous erythropoietin receptor activator on markers of cardiovascular risk in chronic kidney disease patients. Noce A, Durante O, Manca di Villahermosa S, Taccone Gallucci M, Dessì M, Di Daniele N. 25-38 Giugno 2010. XLVII ERA-EDTA Congress- II DGfN Congress. Munich, Germany


·         Looking for a new anti-ipertension therapy based on direct renin inhibition D Santucci, S Iannotti, F Sinibaldi, M Piro, R Santucci, N Di Daniele 26 Giugno-1 luglio 2010 35th FEBS Congress Gothenburg, Sweden FEBS Journal 277, 177-177 2010


·         The usefulness of Prognostic Inflammatory and Nutritional Index (PINI) in hemodialysis population. C Tozzo, A Noce, M Dessi, A Andreoli, A De Lorenzo, G Fuiano, N Di Daniele Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 55, 358-358, 19th International Congress of Nutrition 4-9 Ottobre 2009, Bangkok, Thailand


·         Leptin Stimulates both Endothelin and Nitric Oxide Activity in the Human Forearm Circulation F Schinzari, M Tesauro, V Rovella, N Di Daniele, N Mores, D Melina, Michael J Quon, C Cardillo. Circulation 118 (18 Supplement), S_730,2008 9-11 Novembre 2008 American Hearth Association Congress New Orleans USA).


·         Cystatin C and serum creatinine levels in diagnosis of acute kidney injury: a pilot study in intensive care unit. Ferrannini M, Vischini G, Leonardis F, Falcone C, Tozzo C, Condo’ S, Di Daniele N. XLV ERA-EDTA Congress ( 10-13 Maggio 2008 Stoccolma, Svezia)


·         Is Cystatin C influenced by inflammation? A retrospective analysis in 996 critical ill patients. Ferrannini M, Vischini G, Sorge R, Falcone C, Staffolani E, Tozzo C, Di Daniele N XLV ERA-EDTA Congress (10-13 Maggio 2008 Stoccolma, Svezia).


·         Rheopheresis: Safety and efficacy of a semiselective plasmatherapy. Vischini G, Ferrannini M, Staffolani E et al. The International journal of artificial organs 30(8):689- 689. 2007


·         Removal of methotrexate (MTX) in anuric patient: A case report. Villani A, Ferrannini M, Staffolani E et al. The International journal of artificial organs 30(8):738-738 · 2007






Erythrocyte Glutathione Transferase as a Biomarker in Kidney Health and Disease. Bocedi A, Noce A, Fabrini R, Di Daniele N, Galli F, Ricci G. Biomarkers in Kidney Disease. Springer Science 2015. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7743-9 44-1


Homocysteine and Uremia. Noce A, Dessi M, Addessi E, Di Daniele N. Chapter V. Homocysteine Biosynthesis and Health Implications. Kilmer S. Mc Cully. Nova Biomedical New York. Nova Science Publishers, Inc 2014





Editorial board e reviewer di:


·         Current pharmaceutical biotechnology

·         New England journal of medicine

·         Nutrients

·         Journal of nephrology

·         Oncotarget

·         Medicina dello sport

·         Clinical Nutrition

·         BMC Nephrology







Roma, 23/01/2019



Nicola Di Daniele