Daniela Billi

Curriculum Vitae

Nata a Roma il 12-10-1967

·       Dal 2016 ad oggi: Professore Associato 05/A1 – SSD BIO/01 Botanica generale

·       Dal 2000 al 2016: Ricercatore 05/A1 – SSD BIO/01 Botanica generale

·       Abilitazione prima fascia 05/A1 – SSD BIO/01 Botanica generale (prima tornata 2012, seconda tornata 2022)

·       Abilitazione prima fascia 07/I1 Microbiologia Agraria – SSD AGR/16 Microbiologia Agraria (seconda tornata 2022)

·       h-index: 29 

·       ORCID 0000-0002-9363-2415


1992 - Laurea in Science Biologiche 110/110 e lode (Sapienza)

1996 - Dottorato di Ricerca in Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare (Tor Vergata)

1999 - Specializzazione in Applicazioni Biotecnologiche (Tor Vergata)

1997 - 1998 - Post-doc, Florida State University, Polar Desert Research Center, Tallahassee, FL, USA

1998 - 2000 - Post-doc, Virginia Tech Center for Genomics, Blacksburg, VA, USA

Afferenza gruppi di lavoro 

–ASI: Sistemi Biorigenerativi, Astrobiologia, Microbiologia Spaziale 

–ESA: Astrobiology (co-chair), Lunar Biosciences, Space Synthetic Biology

-UNITOV: Space Sustainability Center

Attività di ricerca 

Responsabile del laboratorio: “Astrobiologia e Biologia Molecolare dei Cianobatteri”

Linee di ricerca

Astrobiologia, Ambienti estremi, Sistemi biorigenerativi, Biologia sintetica

i) Studio delle basi molecolari dell'adattamento di cianobatteri ad ambienti desertici

ii) Caratterizzazione dei limiti di sopravvivenza/adattabilità di cianobatteri estremofili a condizioni spaziali e planetarie utilizzando piattaforme spaziali e condizioni simulate

iii) Sviluppo di tecnologie basate su cianobatteri per l'impiego delle risorse disponibili in situ a sostegno di avamposti umani su Luna e Marte

iv) Utilizzo della biologia sintetica per l’impiego di cianobatteri in bioprocessi a supporto dell'esplorazione umana dello spazio 

v) Approcci biomimetici per la resistenza a condizioni spaziali. 


Responsabilità in progetti finanziati 

2023-2026: ASI project ASTERIA - Adaptability of cyanobacteria from extreme environments to stellar UV radiation. (Coordinator) 

2023-2025: Prin2022: Extending the red limit of oxygenic photosynthesis: basic principles and implications for future applications (WP PI) 

2023-2026: EU Horizon-Space project ALCYONE - Autonomous Living Cell analYsis ON-chip for Evaluation of space Environment Effects. (Partner)

2023-2026: PNRR: Space it Up (WP life support, tbd) Space Sustainability Center 

2019–2023: ASI REBUS - In-situ Resource Bio-Utilization to Support Life in Space (WP- Cyanobacteria and ISRU; PI) 

2019–2023: ASI Life in Space – Origin, Presence, Persistence of life in Space, from molecules to extremophiles (WP Cyanobacteria under planetary simulation; PI) 

2018-2022: ASI BIOSIGN-Cyano BIO-SIgnatures and habitable Niches (PI) 

2017-2021: PNRA: MIcrobial Diversity within the Vicinity of the Concordia Antarctic Station. 

2014-2016: PNRA2013/AZ1.17: Biodiversity and distribution of epi - endolithic community to study the limits of life in Victoria Land in Antarctica (PI research unit). 

2013-2017: ASI BOSS_Cyano - Biofilm Organisms Surfing Space (PI) 

2013-2017: ASI BIOMEX_Cyano -Biology and Mars Experiment (PI) 

2011-2013: Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs - Selected Significant Bilateral Project (USA, NASA) - Cyanobacteria from extreme deserts to space (Italian coordinator) 

2008-2010: Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs - Selected Significant Bilateral Project (USA, NASA) - Development of a gene space cargo (Italian coordinator) 

2011-PNRA2009/A1.01 Extremophiles in sub-glacial Lakes (PI)

2006-2009: ASI project “From Molecules to Man” (Co-PI WP: 1B1211-X3 FAI-MoMa) 

2005-2009: Tor Vergata University Research Grants (PI)

Didattica dal 2002 

·       Dipartimento di Biologia: Biologia Sintetica e Bioimaging (dal 2014- ad oggi); Astrobiologia (dal 2008-ad oggi); Inglese per Biologici (dal 2018- ad oggi); Metodi Molecolari in Citologia Vegetale (2002 -2010); Laboratorio di Botanica (2002-2010); Evoluzione e Adattamenti dei Vegetali (2011-2014)

·       Dipartimento di Matematica: Modulo Astrobiologia, Master II livello Scienza e Tecnologia Spaziale (dal 2010- ad oggi)

·       Dipartimento di Fisica: Modulo Astrobiologia, Master II livello  Professione Formatore in Didattica delle Scienze (2013 – 2018)


1        Fagliarone C, Mosca C, Di Stefano G, Leuko S, Moeller R, Rabbow E, Rettberg P, Billi D (2023). Enabling deep-space experimentations on cyanobacteria by monitoring cell division resumption in dried Chroococcidiopsis sp. 029 with accumulated DNA damage. Front Microbiol. 14, 1150224. 

2      Elsaesser A, Burr DJ, Mabey P, Urso RG, Billi D, et al. (2023) Future space experiment platforms for astrobiology and astrochemistry research. NPJ Microgravity 9, 43

3      Gallego Fernandez B, Rothschild LJ, Fagliarone C, Chiavarini S, Billi D (2023) Feasibility as feedstock of the cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis sp. 029 cultivated with urine-supplemented Moon and Mars regolith simulants. Algal Research 71, 10304

4      Fagliarone C, Gallego Fernandez B, di Stefano G, Billi D (2023) Insights into the chaotropic tolerance of the desert cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis sp. 029 (Chroococcidiopsales, Cyanobacteria). J. Phycology (in press)

5      Antonaru LA, Selinger VM, …..Billi D, Nu?rnberg DJ (2023) Common loss of far-red light photoacclimation in cyanobacteria from hot and cold deserts: A case study in the Chroococcidiopsidales. ISME Commun. 3, 113 (2023).

6      Stoppiello GA, Coleine C, Moeller R, Ripa C, Billi D, Selbmann L (2023) Seasonality is the main determinant of microbial diversity associated to snow/ice around Concordia Station on the Antarctic polar plateau. Biology 12, 1193.

7      Napoli A, Coleine C, Ulrich JN, Moeller R, Billi D, Selbmann L (2023) Snow surface microbial diversity at the detection limit within the vicinity of the Concordia Station, Antarctica. Life (Basel)

8      Fardelli E, D’Arco A, Lupi S, Billi D, Moeller R , Cestelli Guidi M (2023) Spectroscopic evidence of the radioresistance of Chroococcidiopsis biosignatures: A combined Raman, FT-IR and THz-TDs spectroscopy study. Spectrochim Acta Part A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 288, 122148 

9      Baqué M, Backhaus T, Meeßen J … Billi D et al. (2022) Biosignature stability in space enables their use for life detection on Mars. Science Advances 8, 36

10    Billi D, Blanco Y, Ianneo A, Moreno-Paz M, Aguirre J, Baqué M , Moeller R, J-P de Vera,, Parro V (2022) Mars-like UV flux and ionizing radiation differently affect biomarker detectability in the desert cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis as revealed by the Life Detector Chip antibody microarray. Astrobiology 22, 1199-1209.

11    Billi D, Napoli A, Mosca C, Fagliarone C, de Carolis R, Balbi A, Scanu M, Selinger VM, Antonaru L, Nürnberg DJ (2022) Identification of far-red light acclimation in an endolithic Chroococcidiopsis strain and associated genomic features: Implications for oxygenic photosynthesis on exoplanets. Front Microbiol 13, 933404

12    Napoli A, Micheletti D, Pindo M, Larger S, Cestaro A, de Vera P-J, Billi D (2022). Absence of increased genomic variants in the cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis exposed to Mars-like conditions outside the space station. Scientific Reports 12, 8437.

13    Mosca C, Napoli A, Fagliarone C, Fujimori A, Moeller R and Billi D (2022) Role of DNA repair pathways in the recovery of a dried, radioresistant cyanobacterium exposed to high-LET radiation: Implications for the habitability of Mars. Int J Astrobiol21, 380-391. 

14    Kozyrovska NO, Reva O, Podolich O, Kukharenko O, Orlovska I, Terzova V, Zubova A, Trovatti Uetanabaro AP, Góes-NetoA, De Carvalho Azevedo VA, Barh D. Verseux C, Billi D, Kolodziejczyk AM, Foing BH, de Vera J-P (2021) To other planets with upgraded millennial kombucha in rhythms of sustainability and health support. Front Astron Space Sci 8.

15    Napoli A, Federico Iacovelli F, Fagliarone C, Pascarella G, Falconi M, Billi D (2021) Genome-wide identification and bioinformatics characterization of superoxide dismutases in the desiccation-tolerant cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis sp. CCMEE 029. Front Microbiol 12, 1271.

16    Mosca C, Fagliarone C, Napoli A, Rabbow E, Rettberg P, Billi D (2021). Revival of anhydrobiotic cyanobacterium biofilms exposed to space vacuum and prolonged dryness: Implications for future missions beyond low Earth orbit. Astrobiology 21(5),541-550.

17    Mahnert A, Verseux C, Schwendner P, Koskinen K, Kumpitsch C, Blohs M, Wink L, Brunner D, Goessler T, Billi D, Moissl-Eichinger C (2021) Microbiome dynamics during the HI-SEAS IV mission, and implications for future crewed missions beyond Earth. Microbiome 9(1):27. 

18    Billi D, Gallego Fernandez B, Fagliarone C, Chiavarini S, Rothschild LJ (2021) Exploiting a perchlorate-tolerant desert cyanobacterium to support bacterial growth for in situ resource utilization on Mars. Int J Astrobiol 20 (1), 29-35.

19    Billi D (2020) Challenging the survival thresholds of a desert cyanobacterium under laboratory simulated and space conditions. In Extremophiles as Astrobiology Models. Seckbach J. and Stan?Lotter H (eds) Scrivener Publishing, pp 183-195.

20    Fagliarone C, Napoli A, Chiavarini S, Baqué M, de Vera J-P, Billi D. (2020) Biomarker preservation and survivability under extreme dryness and Mars-like UV flux of a desert cyanobacterium capable of trehalose and sucrose accumulation. Front Astron Space Sci 7, 31.

21    Baqué M, Napoli A, Fagliarone C, Moeller R, de Vera J-P, Billi D. (2020) Carotenoid Raman signatures are better preserved in dried cells of the desert cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis sp. CCMEE 029 than in hydrated counterparts after high-dose gamma irradiation. Life 10(6), 83.

22    Billi D, Mosca C, Fagliarone C, Napoli A, Verseux C, Baqué M, de Vera J-P (2019) Exposure to low Earth orbit of an extreme-tolerant cyanobacterium as a contribution to lunar astrobiology activities. Int J. Astrobiol 19(1) 53-66. 

23    Cosciotti B, Balbi B, Ceccarelli A, Fagliarone C, Mattei E, Lauro SE, Di Paolo F, Pettinelli E, Billi D. (2019) Survivability of anhydrobiotic cyanobacteria in salty ice: Implications for the habitability of icy worlds. Life 9(4), 86

24    Mosca C, Rothschild LJ, Napoli A, Ferré F, Pietrosanto M, Fagliarone C, Baqué M, Rabbow E, Rettberg P and Billi D. (2019) Over-expression of UV-damage DNA repair genes and ribonucleic acid persistence contribute to the resilience of dried biofilms of the desert cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis exposed to Mars-like UV flux and long-term desiccation. Front Microbiol 10, 2312. 

25    de Vera J-P, Alawi M, Backhaus, T., Baqué M, Billi D, et al. (2019) Limits of life and the habitability of Mars: The ESA space experiment BIOMEX on the ISS. Astrobiology 19:145-157.

26    Billi D, Staibano C, Verseux C, Fagliarone C, Mosca C, Baqué M, Rabbow E and Rettberg P. (2019) Dried biofilms of desert strains of Chroococcidiopsis survived prolonged exposure to space and Mars-like conditions in low Earth orbit. Astrobiology19(8), 1008-1017

27    Billi D, Verseux C, Fagliarone C, Napoli A, Baqué M and de Vera J-P. (2019) A desert cyanobacterium under simulated Mars-like conditions in low Earth orbit: Implications for the habitability of Mars. Astrobiology 19, 158-169.

28    de Vera J-P, Baqué M, Billi D, Böttger U, Cockell C, et al. (2019) A systematic way to life detection – combining field, lab and space research in low Earth orbit. In: Biosignitures for Astrobiology. Eds Cavalazzi B and Westal F pp 111-122. 

29    Billi D (2019) Desert cyanobacteria under space and planetary simulations: A tool for searching for life beyond Earth and supporting human space exploration. Int. J. Astrobiol. 18, 483–489 

30    Olsson-Francis K, Billi D, de Vera J-P, Teske A (2018) Editorial: Habitability beyond Earth. Front Microbiol 9:2645

31    Fagliarone C, Mosca C, Ubaldi I, Verseux C, Baqué M, Wilmotte A, Billi D. (2017) Avoidance of protein oxidation correlates with the desiccation and radiation resistance of hot and cold desert strains of the cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis. Extremophiles 21: 981-991

32    Cottin H, Kotler JM, Billi D, Cockell C, Demets R et al. (2017) Space as a Tool for Astrobiology: Review and recommendations for experimentations in Earth orbit and beyond. Space Sci Rev 209:83–181

33    Verseux C, Baqué M, Cifariello R, Fagliarone C, Raguse M, Moeller R, Billi D. (2017) Evaluation of the resistance of Chroococcidiopsis spp. to sparsely and densely ionizing irradiation. Astrobiology 17:118- 12

34    Moeller R, Raguse M, Leuko S, Berger T, Hellweg CE, Fujimori A, Okayasu R, Horneck G, Kawaguchi Y, Yokobori S-I, Yamagishi A, Rettberg P, Verseux C, Baqué M, Cifariello R, Fagliarone C, Billi D, et al. (2017) STARLIFE -An international campaign to study the role of galactic cosmic radiation in astrobiological model systems. Astrobiology 17: 101-109

35    Billi D, Baqué M, Verseux C, Rothschild LJ, de Vera. J-P. (2017) Desert cyanobacteria - Potential for space and Earth applications. In: Adaption of Microbial Life to Environmental Extremes second edition (eds Stan-Lotter H, Fendrihan F) Springer pp 133-146.

36    Verseux C, Paulino-Lima IG, Baqué M, Billi D, Rothschild LJ (2016) Synthetic biology for space exploration: Promises and societal Implications. In: Ambivalences of Creating Life. Societal and Philosophical Dimensions of Synthetic Biology eds: Hagen K, Engelhard M, Toepfer G). Series Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment, Springer, Heidelberg, pp 73-100.

37    Baqué M, Verseux C, Böttger U, Rabbow E, de Vera J-P, Billi D. (2016) Preservation of biomarkers from cyanobacteria mixed with Mars-­like regolith under simulated Martian atmosphere and UV flux Orig Life Evol Biosph 46, 289-310. 

38    Claudi R, Erculiani MS, Galletta G, Billi D, Pace E, Schierano D, Giro E, D’Alessandro M. (2016) Simulating super Earth atmospheres in the laboratory. Int J Astrobiol 15, 35-44. doi:10.1017/S1473550415000117. 

39    Rizzo V, Farias ME, Cantasano N, Billi D, Contreras M, Pontenani F, Bianciardi G (2015) Structures/textures of living/fossil microbialites and their implications in biogenicity. An astrobiological point of view. Applied Cell Biology 4: 65-82

40  Verseux C, Baqué M, Lehto K, de Vera J-P, Rothschild LJ, Billi D (2016) Sustainable life support on Mars - the potential roles of cyanobacteria. Int J Astrobiol 15, 65-92. 

41   Billi D, Berlingeri A, Balbi A, Catena LM (2014) Hands-On space experiments: Out-of-School astrobiology activities at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. J. Astrobiology & Outreach 2:3.

42   Baqué M, Verseux C, Rabbow E, de Vera J-P, Billi D (2014) Detection of macromolecules in desert cyanobacteria mixed with a lunar mineral analogue after space simulations. Orig Life Evol Biosph 44:209–22.

43   Smith HD, Baqué M, Duncan AG, Lloyd CR, McKay CP, Billi D (2014) Comparative analysis of cyanobacteria inhabiting rocks with different light transmittance in the Mojave Desert: a Mars terrestrial analogue. Int. J. Astrobiology, 13: 271-277.

44   Billi D, Baqué M, Smith DH, McKay CP (2013) Cyanobacteria from extreme deserts to space. Adv Microbiol 3: 80-86 

45   Baqué M, Scalzi G, Rabbow E, Rettberg P, Billi D. (2013) Biofilm and planktonic lifestyles differently support the resistance of the desert cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis under space and Martian simulations. Orig Life Evol Biosph 3:377-89. doi: 10.1007/s11084-013-9341-6.

46   Baqué M, de Vera J-P, Rettberg P, Billi D (2013) The BOSS and BIOMEX space experiments on the EXPOSE-R2 mission: endurance of the desert cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis under simulated space vacuum, Martian atmosphere, UVC radiation and temperature extremes. Acta Astronaut 91:180–186. 

47   Tashyreva D, Elster J, Billi D (2013) Multiparameter assessment of cell heterogeneity in Phormidium populations (Cyanobacteria) employing fluorescent dyes. PLoS ONE 8(2): e55283. 

48   Baqué M, Viaggiu E, Scalzi G, Billi D (2013) Endurance of the endolithic desert cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis under UVC radiation. Extremophiles 17:161-169 

49   Zammit G, Billi D, Albertano P (2012) The subaerophytic cyanobacterium Oculatella subterranea (Oscillatoriales, Cyanophyceae) gen. et sp. nov: a cytomorphological and molecular description. Eur J Phycol 47:341-354 

50   Billi D (2012) Plasmid stability in dried cells of the desert cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis and its potential for GFP imaging of survivors on Earth and in space. Orig Life Evol Biosph 42, 235-245.

51   de Vera J-P, Boettger U, de la Torre R, Sánchez FJ, Grunow D, Schmitz N, Lange C, Hüber H-W, Billi D et al. (2012) Supporting Mars exploration: BIOMEX in Low Earth Orbit and further astrobiological studies on the Moon using Raman and PanCam technology. Planet Space Sci 74:103–110, 

52    Stivaletta N, Barbieri R, Billi D (2012) Microbial colonization of the salt deposits in the driest place of the Atacama Desert (Chile). Orig Life Evol Biosph 42:143-52

53   Billi D (2012) Anhydrobiotic Rock-Inhabiting Cyanobacteria: Potential for Astrobiology and Biotechnology. In: Adaptation of Microbial Life to Environmental Extremes: Novel Research Results and Application (eds Stan-Lotter H, Fendrihan F) Springer Wien-New York, pp 119-132. 

54   Zammit G, Billi D, Shubert E, Ka?tovský J, Albertano P (2011) The biodiversity of subaerophytic phototrophic biofilms from Maltese hypogea. Fottea 11:187–201. 

55   Billi D, Viaggiu E, Cockell CS, Rabbow E, Horneck G, Onofri S (2011) Damage escape and repair in dried Chroococcidiopsisspp. from hot and cold deserts exposed to simulated space and Martian conditions. Astrobiology 11:65-73.

56   Billi D (2010) Genetic tools for desiccation-, radiation-tolerant cyanobacteria of the genus Chroococcidiopsis. In Current Research, Technology and Education Topics in Applied Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology. Vol II Formatex Research Center (ed. A. Méndez-Vilas) Spain, pp 1517-1521.

57   Billi D (2009) Subcellular integrities in Chroococcidiopsis sp. CCMEE 029 survivors after prolonged desiccation revealed by molecular probes and genome stability assays. Extremophiles 13:49-57. 

58   Billi D (2009) Loss of topological relationships in a Pleurocapsalean cyanobacterium (Chroococcidiopsis sp.) with partially inactivated ftsZ. Ann Microbiol 59, 1-4. 

59   Bruno L, Billi D, Bellezza S, Albertano P (2009) Cytomorphological and genetic characterization of troglobitic Leptolyngbyastrains isolated from roman hypogea. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 75, 608-617.

60   Cockell CS, Schuerger AC, Billi D, Friedmann EI, Panitz C (2007) Photosynthetic organisms on Mars-prospects and limitations. In Responses of microorganisms to the Martian environment-Report of the ROME topical Team, (eds Horneck G, Cockell CS,). ESA SP-1298, European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. pp. 99-116.

61   Grilli Caiola M, Billi D (2007) Chroococcidiopsis from desert to Mars. In Algae and Cyanobacteria in Extreme Environments. Series: Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, Vol.11, (ed Seckbach J), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 553-568

62   Bruno L, Billi D, Urzì C, Albertano P (2006) Genetic characterisation of epilithic cyanobacteria and their associated bacteria. Geomicrobiol J 23, 293-299. 

63   Bruno L, Billi D, Albertano, P (2005) Optimization of molecular techniques applied to the taxonomy of epilithic Leptolyngbyastrains. Algol Studies 117:197-207. 

64   Cockell CS, Schuerger AC, Billi D, Friedmann EI, Panitz C (2005) Effects of a Simulated Martian UV Flux on the cyanobacterium, Chroococcidiopsis sp. 029. Astrobiology 5:127-140. 

65   Billi D, Potts M (2002) Life and death of dried prokaryotes. Res. Microbiol. 153:7-12. 

66   Billi D, Friedmann EI, Helm RF, Potts M (2001) Gene transfer to the desiccation-tolerant cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis. J. Bacteriol. 183: 2298-2305. 

67   Billi D, Wright DJ, Helm RF, Prickett T, Potts M, Crowe JH (2000) Engineering desiccation tolerance in Escherichia coli. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:1680-1684. 

68   Billi D, Friedmann EI, Hofer KG, Grilli Caiola M, Ocampo-Friedmann R (2000) Ionizing-radiation resistance in the desiccation-tolerant cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:1489-1492. 

69   Billi D, Potts M (2000) Life without water: responses of prokaryotes to desiccation. In: Environmental stressors and gene responses (eds Storey KB, Storey JM). Amsterdam, Elsevier, pp. 181-192.

70   Billi D, Grilli Caiola M, Paolozzi L, Ghelardini P (1998) A method for DNA extraction from the desert cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis and its application to identification of ftsZ. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64:4053?4056. 

71   Grilli Caiola M, Billi D, Friedmann EI (1996) Effect of desiccation on envelopes of the cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis sp. (Chroococcales). Eur J. Phycol 31:97-105. 

72   Billi D, Grilli Caiola M (1996) Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus deprivation on Chroococcidiopsis sp. (Chroococcales). Arch. Hydrobiol. Algol Stud 83:93-105.

73   Billi D, Grilli Caiola M (1996) Effects of nitrogen limitation and starvation on Chroococcidiopsis sp. (Chroococcales). New Phytologist 133: 563-571.